Run multiple sites instances with one MyReview Installation

You can run many sites with a single MyReview installation. The MyReview directory organization makes it easy to separate the application part from the site-specific files. Here is a short list of the actions that must be carried out to enable a new site named, say, newConf:

  • Create new directory ‘newconf’ in /var/www and paste ‘application’, ‘config’, ‘files’, ‘library’, ‘themes’, ‘www’  directories from myreview into it.
  • Create a new MySQL database, named newConf, and import the myreview.sql script to this database.
  • Create a virtualhost as mentioned in the following:
  • Change the ‘Document Root’ directive to /var/www/newconf/www/
    Also change the ‘Directory’ directive to /var/www/newconf/www/
    Under the line that begins ‘ServerAdmin’, add the following line:
    ServerName newconf
    \<Directory /var/www/newconf/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all
    change AllowOverride None to Allow Override All
  • Save changes and then exit
  • Add the following to the host file located in /etc/hosts newconf

  • Enable the new site with the command:

sudo a2ensite newconf

  • Restart the apache server:

 sudo /etc/init.d/ apache2 reload

  • In /var/www/newconf/config/default/application.ini, set the app.document_root parameter to /var/www/newconf/www/
  • Edit newconf/config/default/database.ini and change database name to newconf.
  • Edit newconf/www/index.php and change the $configDir value to “config”. It should contain the path to the configuration directory.
  • Now type in terminal:


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