Different namespaces in MyReview

  • namespace is a mean to group texts.
  • MyReview uses several groups, or “namespaces”. These are given below:
  • db namespace contains the translation of all the database fields; such translations are useful for instance as header of HTML tables, or as labels of form fields. For instance, the database attribute email appears in the db namespace as a text code email, and translations Email address in English, Addresse de courrier électronique in French, etc.
  • form namespace is specifically dedicated to the labels of form fields, when then are not found in the db namespace. For instance: the text code email, in the namespace form, would be translated as Enter your email in English, and Entrez votre adresse électronique in French.
  • author, reviewer, and admin namespaces contain texts specific to, repectively, the Author, Reviewer, and Admin controllers (a controller is a set of functions).
  • Finally, a text of general interest which does not belong to one of the above is put in the def namespace.
  • The mail namespace manage all the message texts.
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